by Caitlin Hunt | 24 Jul 2024 | Uncategorized
Understanding Chronic Pain Chronic pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that occurs in response to actual or perceived tissue damage (International Association for the Study of Pain, 2017). Since pain is a unique experience, it is often quantified...
by Caitlin Hunt | 15 Dec 2023 | Blog
Navigating the Symphony of Support for Cancer Patients through Movement Exercise physiology addresses the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia’s call to embed exercise in cancer care as part of the holistic treatment and recovery of cancer patients. In the...
by Caitlin Hunt | 15 Sep 2023 | Blog
Living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be a daily challenge. But there’s a powerful tool that can significantly improve the lives of those with MS: exercise physiology. This specialized field of allied healthcare can offer a lifeline to individuals navigating...
by Jody Pearce | 12 Jul 2023 | Blog
As women age, conditions of the musculoskeletal system, which include our bones, muscles, and joints, become increasingly more common. Along with arthritis and back pain, osteoporosis, which affects our bones, is one of the three main conditions that can have a...
by Caitlin Hunt | 23 May 2023 | Blog
Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF) Cancer Related Fatigue (CRF) is experienced by people going through treatment, living with or beyond cancer survivors as a result of cancer related, and treatment-related toxicities (Lin et al., 2023). It is a common adverse effect of...
by Caitlin Hunt | 23 Feb 2022 | Blog
What is scoliosis? Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. When the spine is viewed from the side it should have curves but when viewed front on, the spine should be straight. In scoliosis, the curvatures are usually described as being an “S” or “C” shape [1]....
by Caitlin Hunt | 23 Nov 2021 | Uncategorized
Founding director of O2 Active and exercise physiologist Caitlin Hunt has over 20 years of experience in the field working with a vast range of clientele in exercise physiology. She specialises in the delivery of exercise and lifestyle therapies for the prevention and...
by Caitlin Hunt | 2 Jul 2021 | Blog
Written by Kento Pollard Intermittent fasting is a weight loss protocol which has been gaining popularity over the last few years. It involves having periods with limited or no food consumption and boasts many health benefits, some of which we’ve listed below! Pros....
by Caitlin Hunt | 30 Apr 2021 | Blog
Written by Kento Pollard As we get older, staying in shape can get harder. Little niggles and injuries can become more frequent. Your joints become stiffer, recovery takes longer and it may become frustrating if your body cannot move as well as it used to....
by Rhianna Harby | 30 Apr 2021 | Blog
Written by Kento Pollard Cycling is becoming an increasingly popular mode of exercise and in particular people over the age of 50 are turning to cycling as their main form of exercise as its low impact – and great fun. Although cycling seems like a relatively...