The Clinical Oncology Society of Australia states that exercise be embedded as part of standard practice in cancer care, and should be viewed as an adjunct therapy that helps counteract the adverse effects of cancer and its treatment. Best practice cancer care is to include referral to an accredited Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist, with experience in cancer care.  

Oncology Rehab was launched to offer those going through treatment, living with or beyond cancer, a safe and supportive environment where they can effectively implement tailored exercise recommendations that are suited to their goals and needs.

Cancer treatment can often lead to physical and functional impairments such as muscle weakness, fatigue, and reduced mobility.

Our Exercise Physiologists design tailored exercise programs to consider your specific diagnosis, treatment regimen, and overall health status.  

A young female accredited exercise physiologist walks along past an elderly client with a walker for aged care support Perth.

Why work with O2 Active Exercise Physiologists

  • We are university qualified allied health professionals trained to prescribe and deliver exercise programs to patients undergoing cancer treatments.   
  • We form part of a multi-disciplinary health team, collaborating with your other health professionals including oncologists and GP’s.  
  • Our team ensures that exercise is integrated and aligns with a patient’s medical treatment. 

Benefits of exercise during cancer treatment

  1. Fatigue management

Fatigue is the most common and debilitating side effect reported by cancer patients. Through carefully prescribed and monitored exercise routines, we can help build endurance, increase energy levels, and reduce cancer-related fatigue.

  1. Minimise muscle wastage and weakness

Cancer cachexia, hormone imbalances, nutritional challenges, physical inactivity and treatment side affects can all lead to muscle wastage.  Preserving muscle mass through guided exercise is crucial for a patient’s overall well-being and quality of life during cancer treatment and recovery.

  1. Prevention or reduction of cardiac dysfunction

Certain cancer therapies, like chemotherapy or radiation therapy, may impose stress on the heart. Engaging in supervised and regulated exercise can fortify the heart muscle, reducing this strain and averting potential long-term cardiac harm.

  1. Mental health benefits

Anxiety and/or depression commonly accompany a cancer diagnosis and treatment. The endorphins released during exercise are natural mood boosters which have a positive effect on mental health and emotional wellbeing.

  1. Improvement of  treatment completion rates

Engaging in prescribed exercise can enhance a patient’s physical conditioning, enabling them to better withstand the challenges and side effects of chemotherapy. This increased resilience can boost the probability of a patient successfully adhering to their recommended treatment regimen.

Whatever your reason, we’re here to help you achieve REAL CHANGE with REAL SUPPORT.

How to become involved in the Oncology Rehabilitation program: 

STEP 1: Call O2 Active or book online

Call O2 Active to learn more about our Oncology Rehabilitation program. Our staff will be ready to answer your questions alternatively book your initial appointment with an Exercise Physiologist. Medicare & health rebates may apply.   

STEP 2: Initial Appointment

First consultation – During this appointment, we will discuss your health history including your oncology treatment to date, your treatment plans, your musculoskeletal health and and other health conditions; this will allow us to provide you with a holistic approach to your exercise prescription.  

  • We will help you set some goals and build these into your program. 
  • Together, we will conduct an initial assessment, which will guide your optimal starting level and help you decide if in clinic individual, in clinic group or a home program suits your needs best.

Telehealth is available on request.

Medicare rebates will apply if  you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your GP. Private health fund rebates may apply.


STEP 3: One on one, group sessions or home program

Tailored to your request you can book in for  further one on one exercise physiology sessions, join our suitable group classes, join our oncology rehabilitation classes, attend our open gym with your program  or complete your home program.

Medicare rebates will apply if  you have a Chronic Disease Management Plan from your GP for one on one exercise physiology. Private health fund rebates may apply for both clinical classes and one on one exercise physiology.



Create your own account, manage your class bookings and payments online.

Unit 1/124 Stirling Highway, North Fremantle WA 6159